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New Argentinean Survival Suit a Boon for Merchant Sailors


The Pilmic company, an Argentinean based safety concern tell us it has come up with the ultimate in immersion suits and has received approval for the product from the Prefectura Naval Argentina (PNA) effectively the country’s coast guard service and part of the interior and national security defence systems. The suit certainly appears to offer a high value safety option for merchant and private sailors and the like particularly in regions where hypothermia presents a very real hazard.

A video of the suit in action can be seen HERE and shows not only its ability to float in the traditional position with the wearer on his or her back but demonstrates, despite it’s obvious bulkiness out of water, the suit’s ability to enable swimming either on back or front, the possibility to simply ‘stand’ upright in the water and float vertically and the transparent plastic ‘tent’ which can be worn whilst eating, drinking or simply lying back.