147 articles

Equipements de sauvetage en milieux aquatiques à usage spéciaux.

Équipements individuels de flottabilité – gilets de sauvetage et aides à la flottabilité pour usages spéciaux, NF EN ISO 12402-6

La présente partie de l’ISO 12402 spécifie les exigences de sécurité et méthodes d’essai complémentaires relatives aux gilets de sauvetage et aux aides à la flottabilité pour usages spéciaux (désignés ci-après équipements à usages spéciaux) en conjonction avec les exigences spécifiées dans l’ISO 12402-2 à ISO 12402-5. Elle s’applique aux équipements à usages spéciaux généralement pour adultes et partiellement pour enfants de moins de six ans.

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Barna bruker vest

http://www.ranablad.no Oslo (ANB): Voksne dropper redningsvest, men passer på at barna bruker den. Bruker du redningsvest? Det er påbudt å ha redningsvester til alle i fritidsbåter, men det er ikke påbudt å bruke dem. 14 prosent av voksne innrømmer at de ikke bruker redningsvest, ifølge en ny undersøkelse YouGov har gjort for Codan Forsikring. De voksne er imidlertid flinke til å passe på at barna bruker vest i båten. Av de spurte med barn, sier 97 prosent at barna bruker […]

Scots fishermen to get free personal flotation devices

By FRANK URQUHART  Published on 10/05/2013 15:24 EVERY Scottish fisherman is to be offered a free personal flotation device in a major life saving initiative being spearheaded by the Scottish Fishermen’s Federation. The pioneering scheme was announced on the opening day of the fisheries expo in Aberdeen and was immediately praised by Richard Lochhead, the Scottish Fisheries Minister. A spokesman for the federation explained: “The new Personal Flotation Devices (PFD) are being made available to every commercial fisherman in Scotland in […]


Décès de Guy Cotten, l’inventeur du ciré breton

Guy Cotten, le fondateur de la célèbre marque de cirés jaunes, est décédé ce mercredi 3 avril 2013. « Ça faisait à peu près un an qu’il était malade », a déclaré le porte-parole de la société, dont le siège se trouve à Trégunc, au sud de Quimper. Avant qu’il ne passe la main à sa fille, Nadine Bertholom, on pouvait encore le voir sur les quais, tentant de convaincre directement le monde de la pêche d’adopter ses nouveaux équipements de sécurité, car « tout homme […]

viking yachting L31783

VIKING LIFE SAVING, Helicopter Crew Vest

Helicopter constant-wear life jacket for operations to or from helidecks located in a hostile sea area.  Description 1. Comfortable and lightweight; 2. Multiple adjustment possibilities; 3. Extra padding on back for added comfort and support; 4. Sprayhood; 5. Manually or orally inflated. Specifications – ETSO approved – Buoyancy 180 N – Dimensions: 36 x 60 x 12 cm (packed); 42 x 67 x 16 cm (inflated) – Weight 1.80 kg – Buoyancy chamber: PU-coated nylon. Welded. – CO2 cylinder 38 g […]

viking yachting L31783

VIKING LIFE SAVING , helicopter EBS lifejacket

This top of the line, constant-wear lifejacket is ETSO approved and used during flights to and from helidecks. It is a very simple, compact, lightweight and well fitted lifejacket that is perfect for operational and training purposes. VIKING Helicopter Lifejacket can be inflated manually; it has 1 buoyancy chamber and 180N. PV9302 comes with a detachable EBS (Emergency Breathing System) located on the front cover. The EBS has a 6 liter air lung which gives the user the possibility to […]

The Life Jacket Test by Boats U.S Foundation

Chris Edmonston is the president of the Foundation. This nonprofit 501(c) (3) organization is devoted to implementing projects that keep boaters safer, and our environment protected, and is independently funded by donations from BoatUS Members and by grants. www.BoatUS.com/Foundation Life jacket use, or more accurately, non-use, is arguably the number-one safety topic for federal and state boating agencies. The U.S. Coast Guard’s National Boating Safety Advisory Council is pushing toward requirements for adults to wear life jackets while on certain size […]

Rudern nur mit Rettungsweste?

Von Paul Wagner | Nach dem Unfalltod eines 13-jährigen Ruderers auf der Hamburger Außenalster wird der Ruf nach einer generellen Rettungswestenpflicht für den Rudersport laut. Erst vor wenigen Tagen hatte das Bildungsministerium des Landes einen neuen Erlass für den Sportunterricht verschickt. Kiel. Für die Rettungsschwimmer der DLRG steht fest: „Grundsätzlich raten wir jedem Wassersportler – ob Schwimmer oder Nichtschwimmer –, eine Rettungsweste zu tragen“, sagt DLRG-Landesgeschäftsführer Thies Wolfhagen. Dies betreffe neben Seglern auch die Ruderer. Wichtig sei dabei, dass die […]

Maritime NZ to develop lifejacket safety system

By Viv Logie Maritime New Zealand says it is working with the fishing industry to develop new safety systems that may make wearing lifejackets compulsory when crossing bars such as the dangerous Grey River. The call for lifejackets was made last week, immediately after the 45th fishing boat drowning on the Grey River bar, when the Lady Anna sank and its skipper Nicholas Eklund was caught in the turbulent waters. His two crewmen were rescued when lifebuoys were thrown to […]

Lifejacket ‘instrumental’ in saving man’s life

RCMP remind people of importance of water safety after Oromocto water rescue   A water rescue in Oromocto has New Brunswick RCMP reminding people about the importance of water safety and wearing a life jacket. Police received the call for help Friday night of a man who had capsized his boat and was yelling for help from the water behind Oromocto’s Hazen Park. Oromocto RCMP and members of the Oromocto Fire Department and paramedics were able to pull the man […]

Life jacket ‘instrumental’ in saving man’s life

RCMP remind people of importance of water safety after Oromocto water rescue A water rescue in Oromocto has New Brunswick RCMP reminding people about the importance of water safety and wearing a life jacket. Police received the call for help Friday night of a man who had capsized his boat and was yelling for help from the water behind Oromocto’s Hazen Park. Oromocto RCMP and members of the Oromocto Fire Department and paramedics were able to pull the man from […]

hansen protection as L36464

Hansen Protection SeaAir – Suit for helicopter transport offshore

The most « intelligent » suit – ever! For offshore, helicopter transport and as a personal abandonment suit on the installation. Outer layer in 100% waterproof, flame retardant fabric   Inner lining that provides insulation and buoyancy. An Intelligent fabric stabilise the inside temperature of the suit and reduces body sweat significantly Double-welded seams and approved reflective tape Approved emergency light, buddy line, integrated lifting strap and open collar for rescue Insulated three finger gloves with waterproof zipper and inside cuffs with pulse warmer […]

Shark Survival, Lifejacket Air Pocket Plus (LAP)

The award winning Shark LAP Lifejacket Air Pocket Plus combination reduces the number of items to don. The Shark LAP jacket is CAA Spec 5 approved. It proved its performance in exacting independent test and trials and has been in service since 2002. It has become an industry standard product and is in use worldwide. Shark 96202 LAP features include:  Excellent performance on compatibility and self-righting Nominal capacity of 275 Newtons  Manually operated lifejacket meeting CAA Spec. 5 Fitted with becket, whistle, buddy line […]

Electronic lifejacket ‘will save lives’

By DAMON CRONSHAW, Lake Macquarie Reporter  TINGIRA Heights resident David Ashard has invented an electronic lifejacket that  he says will save lives. The lifejacket inflates automatically when a person sinks. His plan has the support of Toronto’s Cathy Simon, whose daughter Courtney drowned in Lake Macquarie in a boating incident two years ago. Mr Ashard designed the lifejacket after watching a television report about a young couple who lost their child in a pool accident. ‘‘I decided that day, about three […]

DDB creates secret fishing spots for life jacket maker

DDB Group New Zealand has created a new app for life jacket maker Hutchwilco in a bid to get fishermen to improve their safety by leaving details of which spots they like to go to. Many fishermen like to keep their best spots secret to avoid them becoming crowded, but the new spots highlight how dangerous this can be, making it almost impossible to locate them if they have an accident. The app allows them to log their favourite spots, […]


Lifejacket Chamber of Horrors

http://maritimeaccident.org Feb 16 2013 Pictures on Seasafe’s rogues galleryshows the sorry state of some of the lifejackets the company has come across. They are quite disturbing. That said, the attention paid to lifesaving equipment of all kinds is often not what it should be, from lifejackets to survival suits to lifeboats and liferafts. Might be a good idea to check yours. Our servicing department has found a lot of lifejackets in shocking conditions, click on the photos below to open them bigger […]

Un système innovant de localisation et de sauvetage des marins qui tombent à la mer

La société Scio IT, en partenariat avec différentes administrations espagnoles et l’entreprise de textile Inditex, vient de présenter un système innovant de localisation et de sauvetage des marins qui tombent à la mer. La compagnie d’ingénierie a développé dans ce sens un système de sécurité maritime, dénommé « Safe to Sea », destiné à tous les types d’embarcations, de pêche mais aussi de tourisme. Le dispositif fonctionne avec la dernière technologie en télécommunication qui s’intègre dans la ceinture ou dans la tenue […]

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Les gilets de sauvetages 150 N / EN 396

Les gilets de sauvetages 150 N / EN 396 la présente norme a été élaborée à l’usage des personnes exerçant une activité sur l’eau ou à proximité de l’eau. Les gilets de sauvetage fabriqués et entretenus selon cette norme protègent raisonnablement de la noyade une personne qui, pour une raison ou pour une autre, n’est plus en mesure de se débrouiller toute seule.  la présente norme admet que la flottabilité d’un gilet de sauvetage puisse être obtenue à l’aide de […]

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Les gilets de sauvetages 275N / EN 399

Les gilets de sauvetages 275 N / EN 399 La présente norme a été élaborée à l’usage des personnes exerçant une activité  sur l’eau ou à proximité de l’eau. Les gilets de sauvetage fabriqués et entretenus selon cette norme protègent raisonnablement de la noyade une personne qui, pour une raison pour une autre n’est plus en mesure de se débrouiller tout seul, et est soumise à des conditions qui nuisent normalement à l’efficacité des gilets de sauvetage de moindre flottabilité. […]



 MSC/Circ.922 du 4 June 1999 RECOMMENDATIONS ON PERFORMANCE STANDARDS AND TESTS FOR THERMAL PROTECTIVE LIFEJACKETS (TP-LIFEJACKETS) 1 The Maritime Safety Committee, at its seventy-first session (19 to 28 May 1999), responding to the interests expressed by several delegations for the Organization to develop performance standards for thermal protective lifejackets, approved Recommendations on performance standards and tests for thermal protective lifejackets (TP-lifejackets), as set out in the annex. 2 TP-lifejackets may be used in addition to, or in replacement of, on a one-for-one basis, SOLAS-approved lifejackets. […]

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Depuis 2004 les TPLJ sont obligatoires à bord des bateaux à passagers de la mer du nord. A la suite du naufrage tragique de l’Estonia en 1994, le Conseil d’administration Maritime norvégien a encouragé tous les fabriquants de la mer du nord, à entreprendre des recherches et à développer un gilet de sauvetage avec des propriétés de protection thermiques intégrées.   Le fabricant norvégien Regatta a relevé le défi, en lançant le premier gilet de sauvetage à protection thermique TPLJ […]